This is an eye treatment to nourish and correct the diseases of the eyes. The procedure includes collecting well melted and strained medicated ghee over the eyes. For this purpose a boundary is made around the eyes using black gram paste. This is a very powerful treatment to rejuvenate the eyes and also for the cure of the diseases of the eyes.

Mode of action

The ghee in general has a specific property to carry the qualities of the herbs used for medicating the ghee to the corresponding organs easily. Because of the pitha dominance of the eyes ghee will be the best medicine for the eye diseases. The active ingredients of the ghee will be absorbed through the structures of the eyes and it stimulates the ophthalmic area of the brain and the optic nerve.

  • Refractive errors of the eyes
  • Degenerative diseases of the eyes and the optic nerve
  • Diseases due to over use of the eyes
  • Damages of the eyes


This is an after treatment of nethratharpanam. This should be done after the course of tharpanam to clean the eyes off the ghee and to relieve tiredness caused by excessive absorption of ghee. This will clear the vision and relieve the heaviness and haziness of the eyes after the tharpanam. For this treatment herbal juices are used to collect inside the black gram mould as in tharpanam. It can be mixed with goat’s milk according to the condition.

Mode of action

The herbal juice clears the sticky ghee particles from the eyes and the channels of the tear glands will be freed from the clogging due to the washing. This will help for clearing the vision and make the eyes feel light and fresh.

  • All the conditions in which nethratharpanam is indicated
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