Dr. Venkatesan
BAMS, Chief Medical Officer

Dr. Venkatesan's journey in the world of medicine began with a profound fascination for Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of healing. After completing his Bachelor's degree in Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery (BAMS) from the Tamilnadu Dr.M.G.R. Medical University, he was trained with a focus on neurology and orthopedics under Dr. L. Mahadevan, Ph.D., an eminent ayurvedic doctor in India.

He specializes in the treatment of neurological and orthopedic diseases. With his deep understanding of Ayurvedic principles and modern diagnostic techniques, Dr. Venkatesan offers holistic and effective solutions to address these complex health issues.

Through a combination of herbal medicines, specialized therapies, dietary modifications, and lifestyle adjustments, he aims to restore balance and harmony to the body, promoting optimal well-being.

His thirst for knowledge and passion for helping patients led him to further enhance his skills through continuous learning and research. With his extensive knowledge, expertise, and compassionate approach, Dr. Venkatesan has become a trusted name in the field of Ayurveda.

Dr. Mubi
BAMS, Chief Medical Officer

Dr. Mubi completed her Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery (BAMS) degree from The Tamilnadu Dr.M.G.R. Medical University, where she developed a keen interest in gynecology and infertility. Her passion for helping women overcome reproductive challenges led her to pursue advanced training and specialization in these areas.

Dr. Mubi believes in addressing the root causes of gynecological disorders and infertility through Ayurvedic principles. She recognizes that every woman's body is unique, and her treatment plans are tailored to individual needs. By considering the physical, mental, and emotional aspects of a woman's well-being, she aims to restore balance and harmony, promoting optimal reproductive health.

Dr. Mubi offers a wide range of Ayurvedic therapies and treatments to address various gynecological issues and fertility concerns. She combines herbal medicines, dietary modifications, lifestyle counseling, and specialized Ayurvedic procedures to support reproductive health. These procedures may include Uttar Basti (medicated oil or decoction administered through the vaginal route), Yoni Prakshalanam (vaginal cleansing), and Panchakarma therapies to detoxify and rejuvenate the reproductive system.

Infertility can be a complex and emotionally challenging issue for many couples. Dr. Mubi understands the unique concerns and pressures faced by individuals experiencing infertility and provides them with empathetic support throughout their journey.

With her expertise in Ayurvedic gynecology and infertility, Dr. Mubi has successfully helped numerous women achieve their dreams of motherhood. She guides her patients through personalized treatment plans, including fertility-enhancing Ayurvedic therapies, stress reduction techniques, and lifestyle modifications. Dr. Mubi's approach focuses not only on conception but also on preparing the body for a healthy pregnancy and supporting women throughout their reproductive years.

Her expertise, combined with her compassionate approach, has helped numerous women overcome gynecological issues and fulfill their dreams of parenthood.

Dr. Gayathri
BAMS, Resident Medical Officer

Dr. Gayathri graduated in BAMS from Rajiv Gandhi Ayurvedic Medical College in 2018. She has a humble personality and a dedicated attitude in the medical profession. She always seeks the preventive expansions of various Systemic Disorders and tries to implement the necessary corrections in the food pattern, regimen, and lifestyle errors in each of the diseased and dependents. She is an expert in instructing individualized Preventive Ayurvedic Techniques.

Dr. Geethaswari
BAMS, Resident Medical Officer

Dr. Geethaswari graduated in BAMS from Rajiv Gandhi Ayurvedic Medical College in 2021. She is an emerging clinician who has a greater focus on lifestyle disorders. She is the one who leads our yoga sessions and plays a key role in patients’ case taking and clinical examinations.

We have an effective team consisting of highly qualified Doctors, medical professionals, therapists, and visiting specialists. Our Doctors are well-trained Ayurvedic physicians and therapeutic assistants providing personal care to the patients; this is the key to VK Ayurveda's success.

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